Avenel Hall set for major renovation

07 Sep 2016 Euroa Gazette, Euroa VIC (General News) by Will Murray AVENEL Hall will receive a $400,000 rejuvenation thanks to funding commitments from the Victorian Government and Strathbogie Shire Council. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, announced at a gathering at the hall last Friday that the Victorian Government would contribute $300,000 toward a major extension at the rear of the building and improvements to existing spaces. The extension will house new rehearsal, craft and meeting rooms, toilet facilities, and storage areas, while structural renovations will ensure the buildings longevity. The announcement comes as part of the State Governments Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund. The hall has been an important community hub for the residents of Avenel since 1907 when it was first constructed, however, ageing infrastructure and a growing population has put pressure on the existing facility, Ms Symes said. TheAvenel Hall upgrade will result in a community facility that meets the current and future needs of Avenel, a small but steadily growing town, and the surrounding districts which it services. The Strathbogie Shire Council will contribute $100,000 to the project, which will pay for the construction and fit out of the extension. Council is also separately funding the sealing of a new footpath and car park for the hall (worth $36,000) in the 2016/17 Capital Works Program. Once construction is complete, the hall will be around 25 per cent larger in terms of footprint. Members of the Avenel Hall committee have been working toward an upgrade of the building for over two years, and said they were thrilled now money had been committed and building works could begin. Local Ward councillor, Malcolm Little, praised the efforts of the Hall Committee for their persistent efforts, and said the renovations would breathe new life into the hall and the Avenel community. We are a growing community that needs new facilities to keep pace with this growth, Mr Little said. The hall upgrade is critical to sustaining the economy and supporting a town that is quickly becoming the location of choice for tree changers, young families and those moving off farms. Strathbogie mayor, Colleen Furlanetto, echoed the sentiments of councillor Little. Avenel is getting ever-closer to Melbourne as the city expands, and more and more people are looking to Avenel as a place to live, Cr Furlanetto said. The upgrade of the hall will allow for year-round activities, enable larger and more frequent meetings of residents, and encourage cohesion and inclusion within the community. The project is set to be completed in May 2017. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.