Best Start, Best Life: Free Kinder from 2023

The Andrews Labor government will deliver an ambitious overhaul of early childhood education and care with a massive $9 billion investment over the next decade to save families money and support women to return to the workforce. Thats why the Andrews Labor government will expand the Best Start, Best Life program with 3 major new initiatives: Making Kinder free across the state Delivering a new year of universal Pre-Prep for 4-year-olds Establishing 50 new government operated childcare centres Three-Year-Old Kinder is already rolling out across the state, expanding universal access to 15 hours of government-funded kinder every week and from next year, it will be free. Four-Year-Old Kinder will also be free, providing much-needed relief for family budgets and giving more women a choice to return to the workforce. At the same time, well begin work to deliver life changing reform to early education in this state. For more information visit: