Broadford kindergarten upgrade, Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC

In brief Mt Piper Kindergarten in Broadford has been given a $350 000 grant, which will allow it to upgrade and extend its facilities and services. The new facilities will provide for 29 new four-year-old kindergarten places, and 20 new three-year-old places. The centre is located in a high growth area, and this upgrade will support the delivery of services in the area, including kindergarten programs, maternal and child health, allied health, indigenous support workers and family services, Northern Victoria member Jaclyn Symes said. The Mt Piper Kindergarten is a fantastic kinder and the staff and children will benefit from upgraded facilities. This is an investment in our future, which will help meet the growing demand for kindergarten places in Broadford so our children can get a strong start in life. The grant is part of the Victorian Governments $50 million investment in the early childhood sector.