Business mentors hit the road

05 Apr 2018 Corryong Courier, Corryong VIC (General News) Small business operators in Corryong, Mitta Mitta and Yackandandah will be able to benefit from access to support and governmen services when the Small Business Bus visits the North East region next week. Labor Upper House Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, said the Victorian government had doubled its mobile support for small business in 2015, with a second bus delivering valuable advice to towns and suburbs across the state for the past two years. The bus service provides advice from small business mentoring specialists skilled in markcLiim. 11nance, human resources and sales. In 2017 more than 1,180 small businesses accessed free on-board mentoring, while a further 4,980 received assistance from information officers. This years touring program will take information and services to towns across the state, benefiting businesses that may not have the time or resources to otherwise access the available support. Northern Victoria businesses have taken advantage of the small business bus and 1 certainly encourage Corryong small business operators to gain the latest advice on how to grow their business from the experts, Ms Symes said. This program plays an important part in our commitment to providing Victorians with greater access to government support services to encourage business and jobs growth across the state. Victoria is home to more than half a million small businesses and we have experienced a fourth year of uninterrupted business growth. Weunderstandthatour small business community is the backbone of our local country communities and the bus is a fantastic program that brings expert services right to your doorstep. The Small Business Bus will be located on Jardine Street adjacent to the Attrcc Centre, Corryong, from 10am to 4pm on Monday April 9, 2018. Free mentoring sessions on board the bus arc limited and bookings are essential. For more information or to book go online to business.vie. or call Small Business Victoria on 13 22 15.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.