Call for better train services, Loddon Times, Loddon VIC

TRAIN passengers have called for improved services linking the district to Bendigo and Melbourne. The State Government released the Loddon-Mallee Conversation Summary last Friday, which provides a snapshot of the feedback received during recent Regional Network Development Plan workshops in Swan Hill, Mildura, Castlemaine, Echuca and Bendigo Close to 200 people attended workshops held at Bendigo, Castlemaine, Echuca, Mildura and Swan Hill, with participants providing their views on how public transport can and should be improved in Central and Northern Victoria. Those who took part in the initiative called for improved train services linking towns along the Swan Hill railway line, including Dingee, Kerang and Pyramid Hill, to Bendigo and Melbourne, as well as improving the journey time between Bendigo and Melbourne. Workshop participants have also called on transport providers to improve mobile phone and Wi-Fi coverage across the rail network, which will result in passengers spending their time on services more efficiently. I would like to thank the nearly 200 locals who took part in workshops across the Loddon Mallee region, contributing their ideas for better public transport, Minister for Public Transport and Member for Bendigo East, Jacinta Allan said. The strong response from the community shows how passionate people in Bendigo and Northern Victoria are about better train, coach and bus services something the Andrews Government is passionate about too. All feedback received through the workshops and via online surveys will assist with the development of the Regional Network Development Plan. The extensive feedback received through the Regional Network Development Plan will play a central role in developing Victorias first ever long term strategy for better regional public transport, Regional Transport Advisory Group Co-Chair and Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes said.