Celebrating our volunteers with awards

21 Feb 2018 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) FOUR Northern Victorian residents have been recognised for their outstanding volunteering efforts during the Victorian Premiers Volunteer Champions Awards. At an awards ceremony at Government House, Girgarres Wendy Burke, Beechworths Iris Mannik, Alexandras John Sharwood and Wodongas Riley Briese were recognised for their exceptional volunteer work. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) congratulated all four recipients for representing Northern Victoria and dedicating their time to volunteering in the community. The Premiers Volunteer of the Year Award went to equality advocate Riley Briese, for helping change the landscape of care and support for young transgender people in country Victoria. Briese is the founder of Gateway Health Gender Service and received the Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Trophy at the ceremony and $10,000 for his charity of choice. We are proud of Riley, Wendy, Iris and John for their incredible commitment to volunteering and strengthening our community, Ms Symes said. Northern Victoria is a great place to volunteer and I encourage more people to consider getting involved. The benefits of volunteering are endless and can help people make new friendships and learn new skills. The following individuals received awards for their achievements: Wendy Burke received the Girgarre Community Group award after 10 years of working towards ensuring that elders in the community receive relevant medical attention by undertaking the role of care coordinator and ensuring that appointments and transport are organised. Iris Mannik received the Keep Australia Beautiful Committee award, the Australia Day Committee award, and the Beechworth community award, after her assistance in attracting tourists to Beechworth and making it a great place to live. John Sherwood, dedicated leader and board chair, received the Kellock Lodge Alexandra award for his efforts in supporting the staff and residents at a residential aged care facility and overseeing the reconstruction of the facility.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.