City wont cost ratepayers

04 Oct 2017 Border Mail, Albury-Wodonga (General News) by Sophie Boyd New Wodonga planned for region CONSTRUCTION on a new Wodonga-sized city encompassing Leneva Valley and Baranduda could begin as early as next year, at no cost to Wodonga ratepayers. Wodonga Council announced the Leneva-Baranduda Precinct Structure Plan would be opened to public consultation from October 19 until December. Mayor Anna Speedie, Victorian Planning Authoritys John Petrakos and Upper House member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, said the new-Wodonga would have more than 6000 dwellings for 15,700 residents. In 2012, council released a 61-page Leneva-Baranduda Growth Area Framework Plan which outlined a 19.7-square-kilometre development housing 14,000 properties and 35,000 people by 2051. Cr Speedie said planning for the unnamed future city had been a long process, with the new plan containing more detail than the 2012 framework, including projected road and infrastructure locations. They have also devised a system where Wodonga-based ratepayers would not pay for the new development. When you put major infrastructure in and it actually services more than one development parcel, who pays for it?, Cr Speedie said. It shouldnt be ratepayers in Wodonga who are living in Wodonga proper, instead it will be those who actually come and live out here, and those who develop out here. Cr Speedie said schools including a Catholic school had already secured land in the area, as had council in the form of the Baranduda Fields. Jaclyn Symes, who was representing Planning Minister Richard Wynne, said Wodonga was expected to grow to 55,000 people. Its an exciting time for this wonderful growing area in north-east Victoria, she said. Cr Speedie said the proposal must undergo community consultation before being put to council and then going before the planning minister for approval. Timing is dependent on growth, it could be upwards of 40 years but if we manage to secure a couple of big job providers, it would push job numbers and they need somewhere to live, she said. Our growth is already pushing at these boundaries so while we need to take the appropriate amount of time we cant take forever. Victorian Planning Authoritys John Petrakos said the new schools and community centres would create about 700 jobs. But Mr Petrakos said it was impossible to quantify the number of jobs that might be created at future shopping centres or small businesses. Cr Speedie said parts of the native habitat was already protected by Wodongas retained environmental network. Caption Text: ANNOUNCEMENT: Upper House member Jaclyn Symes said the new Wodonga-sized city would benefit the growing north-east region. Picture: JAMES WILTSHIRE Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.