Club grants

15 Jun 2016 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) Local sport and recreation clubs will share in close to $1 million in funding as part of the latest round of the Active Club Grants program. The grants are designed to help more people become involved in local clubs and reap the health benefits of physical activity. We want to support everyone in country Victoria to move more and live healthier lives, and the Active Club Grants are a fantastic way to help local clubs get everyone in their community involved, Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes said. The grants help our local sporting clubs buy the equipment they need to attract more participants and play the sports they love. Clubs can apply for a grant of up to $3000 for sports items and equipment, or a larger grant of up to $10 000 for core equipment that will help increase or maintain participation through their club. For more information on VicHealths Active Club Grants visit