College works to start soon

20 Sep 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes has announced a multimillion dollar upgrade to Benalla P-12 College. Ms Symes, a former Benalla College student, said the $8.5 million Victorian Government building project will make major improvements to the Faithfull St and Avon St campuses. At the Faithfull St campus, the hall and trade wing annex will be demolished and a new senior learning centre and upgraded gymnasium will be built, Ms Symes said. The Avon St campus will undergo a school-wide refurbishment and create more space for outdoor learning and play. I am extremely proud to deliver this significant redevelopment having worked hard with the school and the Minister for Education James Merlino to ensure the school was properly funded to achieve their redevelopment goals. Under Labor these ageing facilities will go and the school will be redeveloped into a modern school. Better facilities will mean better outcomes for students at Benalla P-12 College. Ms Symes said while the works were being carried out the Victorian School Building Authority and the builders would attempt to minimise traffic and noise disruption to local residents. Demolition works will begin in the school holidays and I expect the main construction to start in late October at the Faithful St campus and 2018 at the Avon St campus with the project completed in late 2018, she said. Were making Victoria the Education State, where every child has access to a great education and can achieve their potential. Ms Symes said there would be an information night provided for parents to learn more about the project and to meet the architects on Monday, October 16, from 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm in the multipurpose room at the Avon St Campus. Caption Text: Upgrade: Architects image of Benalla P-12s new senior school buildings. Modern: Architects image showing an aerial view of Benalla P-12s new senior school. Functional: How Benalla P-12s new Trade Skills Building will look. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.