Bright Police will soon move into their new station with construction well advanced on their new home. Labor Upper House Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, today visited the under construction Bright Police Station, funded by the Andrews Labor Government through its $36.8million package to replace or refurbish regional and rural police stations and residences, so that police officers in country Victoria have safe and modern facilities. The Andrews Labor Government allocated $1.85million for the new Bright Police Station build. The new station will provide officers with increased security and safety features, a reception area with public consultation room, interview rooms and custody processing areas, a multi-purpose meeting room and public car parking. The Andrews Labor Government is committed to a strong police presence in Bright, Ms Symes said. This investment in the new police station will allow police to better address crime and keep the community safe. The old Bright police station was in poor condition and unable to meet the demands of population growth in the region. The new station will provide a modern facility with upgraded security and the workspace required to meet the needs of local police. The new stations and refurbishments will guarantee police are working in 21st century facilities, to better support victims, hold perpetrators to account and assist officers in carrying out their critical work.