District brigades share in upgrades, Euroa Gazette, Euroa VIC

EMERGENCY services around the district will receive funding to purchase new equipment as part of the Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) recently announced that emergency service volunteer groups throughout Northern Victoria will share in $12.5 million worth of funding. Under the program, the Andrews Labor Government contributed $2 for every $1 contributed by local volunteer groups from organisations. Ms Symes said the VESEP grants would fund operational and safety equipment, such as trucks, tankers, 4WDs, watercraft, trailers and minor facility improvements for volunteer groups. The Euroa Country Fire Authority (CFA) contributed $21,110 and received a total of $63,329 for a new field command vehicle. Violet Town CFA also received funding for a new field command vehicle with a total of $32,229. Strathbogie CFA received $116,000 for a new ultralight tanker while Avenel CFA and Creightons Creek CFA received funding for an automated defibrillator and split system air conditioner respectively. These grants will help give our volunteers in Northern Victoria the equipment they need to save lives and protect our community, Ms Symes said. The equipment needed to respond to emergencies is a big cost burden and this funding will go a long way towards reducing pressures on our volunteers. Steph Ryan (MLA, Euroa) said this grant program is important because it ensures the volunteers who give their time to protect the community have modern facilities and equipment. Local volunteers have always pitched in to help protect us whether at home or other communities around the state, she said. The importance of our local CFA volunteers was on display again last summer when they spent days battling the Creightons Creek fire in very difficult terrain. With another long fire season expected, we should also remember that the men and women who spend much of their summer turning out on the truck have loved ones at home, waiting for their return.