Eildon Fire Station officially opened, Alexandra Eildon Marysville Standard, Alexandra VIC

A CROWD of guests, emergency service personnel and community members joined Eildon Fire Brigade members to celebrate the opening of Eildon Fire Station on Sunday, September 13. The station was officialy opened by member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes. CFA board member James Holyman assisted by assistant chief officer Garry Cook and district operations manager Rob van Dorsser, presented 15 service awards, two CFA life memberships, two National Medals and a National Emergency Medal to Eildon brigade members. The National Emergency Medal went to brigade member Brian Lowry and the two National Medals went to John Cujic and Len Timmins. CFA life members Graham Smith and Rod Harland received awards for 35 and 40 years of service respectively. Eildon Fire Brigade captain Nicki Lund spoke about the commitment of brigade members and their constant availability to protect the town, its residents and visitors and provide support to surrounding communities. This area presents diverse challenges, being called out to grass and scrub, structure, ski boat and houseboat fires, assist Ambulance Victoria with rescues, Victoria Police with search and rescues and SES with motor vehicle accidents are only some of the activities undertaken by brigade members, she said. Ms Symes congratulated the brigade on more than 60 years of service to Eildon and surrounds as well as to the broader Victorian community. CFA volunteers play an important role in keeping Victoria safe and I congratulate Eildons CFA volunteers for their continued efforts to provide service locally as well as contributing to combating major fires across the state and interstate, Ms Symes said. At the conclusion of the ceremonies, attendees were invited to inspect the brigades impressive fleet of vehicles, trailers and the Eildon fire boat and to join members for a light lunch. Caption Text: Official guests operations manager Rob van Dorsser, District 12 VFBVpresident Mick Sanderson, Murrindindi Shire Council Mayor Margaret Rae, assistant chief officer Garry Cook, Eildon Brigade captain Nicki Lund, member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes, CFA board member James Holy man and member for Eildon Cindy McLeish.