Engaging young people

17 Jan 2018 Yea Chronicle, Yea VIC (General News) YOUNG people in the Murrindindi Shire and throughout northern Victoria will have more opportunities to actively participate in and connect with their local community, thanks to nearly $2 million in funding for the Engage! 2018-20 program from the Victorian Government. Murrindindi Shire Councils Youth Participation and Resilience (YPR) Project received $110,000 as part of the Engage! program to deliver an exciting variety of activities for young people to participate in, in order to connect them to and have a voice in their local communities. Young people will be offered group or individual development opportunities utilising art, music, performance, recreation and leadership all facilitated by a mix of young people, experienced youth workers and community volunteers. YPR aims to improve the health, wellbeing, resilience and pathways for youth across Murrindindi Shire. Eighteen organisations in northern Victoria will share in $1,945,000 in grants for projects that will support young people aged between 12 and 25. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said those 18 join 107 local government and community organisations across the state to share in the $12.3 million Engage! 2018-20 program. Engage! helps young people to strengthen their education, training and employment pathways, and improve their health and wellbeing. Young people are a key part of developing and delivering Engage! projects, which are aimed at a diversity of youth, including Indigenous young people, young people from culturally diverse backgrounds, LGBTQI young people, young people with disabilities and young people living in country Victoria. Engage! supports the governments ongoing commitment to better connect young people with their communities, as outlined in the Youth Policy: Building Stronger Youth Engagement. These projects give our youth the hands-on experiences they need to achieve their personal and professional goals and I encourage more young people to ge involved, Ms Symes said. Every young person should have the opportunity and support they need to reach their full potential. Engage! is helping young people of different backgrounds and experiences get involved in a range of activities so they can achieve their goals. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.