06 Mar 2018 Border Mail, Albury-Wodonga (General News) Jimmy Beattie, or Dvate as hes known in the street art scene, has spent the past week turning a silo in Goorambat into a living and breathing Barking Owl. The town located 15 minutes from Benalla joined the Wall to Wall Festival last year with its church housing a stunning mural by Adnate. Beattie will finish another silo at Goorambat before this weekends hugely popular festival. Report, another JAMES WILTSHIRE picture: P5 SILO art is new to this years Wall to Wall Festival but the motivations behind Jimmy Beatties work remain the same. The Melbourne artist, known as Dvate, could paint a tiger, but that has no connection to the community. When approached about creating a piece on the Goorambat silos, his first work of that kind, he researched species in the area and met with the community. Its a Barking Owl, which is critically endangered, Beattie said. They were around here 50 years ago some are still in Mount Pilot National Park and weve had locals say they see them, but we dont know if its really them. This is my fourth year at the festival; first I did the squirrel glider, then the Kelpie our dog Tessa and last year I did the Regent Honeyeater. Im trying to push the conservation message as well. Beattie will finish another silo at Goorambat before this weekends event and the second satellite work will be at Devenish. There will be 21 artists taking to Benalla, coming from as far as New York. Festival artistic director Shaun Hossack said a new feature would be the virtual reality painting at the event hub on Saturday night. Instead of having a spray can, you have a controller almost like a video game, so you can control the colours and movements, he said. Well have one of our pro artists Adnate doing a live painting performance so you can see it from his eyes. We received $125,000 from the Andrews government Jaclyn Symes has been an incredible supporter thats taken it to a whole new level of professionalism and thats really going to show this year. Caption Text: MESSAGE: Jimmy Beattie, known as Dvate, has created a Barking Owl on a Goorambat silo for the Wall to Wall Festival. Picture: JAMES WILTSHIRELicensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.