Food to roll in for festival

16 Feb 2016 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) TASTES from around the world will be brought to Kilmore for an urban food trucks festival Where Da Food At!. The FREEZA Youth Week event is still in the planning stages but promises to bring a variety of food trucks to Hudson Park in April and create a youth-friendly event for all to enjoy. The celebration follows a successful application for a National Youth Week grant, which Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, announced last week. Mitchells FREEZA group is one of 25 organisations in Northern Victoria that will share in nearly $50,000 in funding. These projects will ensure there are plenty of youth activities for everyone to get involved in, Ms Symes said. I congratulate the organisers of these events on their funding approval and encourage all local young people to get involved in National Youth Week. National Youth Week April 8 to 17 is an annual weeklong celebration of young people aged from 12 to 25-years-old, allowing them to express their creativity and have their say about issues important to them. For more information on National Youth Week 2016 events visit . Copyright Agency licensed copy (