Foreshores exercise stations a fitting addition

03 Aug 2016 Yarrawonga Chronicle, Yarrawonga VIC (General News) by Fiona Blick Yarrawonga residents and visitors can now get more active more often following the installation of three exercise stations along the foreshore. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes was on hand last Wednesday to officially open the new constructions and said local and state governments were working together to make it easier and more enjoyable to get active and see more of Yarrawongas beautiful outdoors. The plan I believe is to eventually connect the Yarrawonga foreshore to the Silverwoods Estate with a track and further infrastructure making a wonderful addition for residents and yet another attraction for visitors to the area, Ms Symes said. The three exercise stations have been designed for a wide range of ages and abilities and include instructional signage guiding users through the correct techniques to use. The stations are located alongside the walking track in Chinamans Island, in Apex Park at the corner of River Road and Woods Road and on the Lake Mulwala foreshore where Murphy Street meets the foreshore. The stations are part of the $80,000 Yarrawonga Foreshore Trail Connection project, which involves the construction of a recreational trail along the Yarrawonga foreshore from the town centre to Botts Road. The foreshore trail will also link the new Silverwoods Estate with the Yarrawonga town centre creating an accessible walking/cycling path along the lake frontage. The state government provided $30,000 and Moira Shire contributed $50,000 to the project through the Transport Investing in Regions initiative. The whole upgrade is expected to be completed by November. Mayor Gary Cleveland said the new exercise equipment was the first step towards planned upgrades to the recreational trail running from Belmore Street to Botts Road. Future works include the installation of solar lighting to improve pedestrian safety, two water bottle refill stations and interpre tive signage, Cr Cleveland said. These works will enhance community ac cess and experiences along the foreshore, pro mote and active lifestyle and improve visitor experience. We thank the state government for their funding contribution towards this worthwhile , project. Caption Text: Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes and Moira Shire Deputy Mayor Ed Cox at the official opening of the Yarrawonga Foreshore exercise stations. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes flexes her muscles while Cr Ed Cox reads the instructions. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.