Fund to bring jobs to regional Victoria, Cobram Courier,

A $200 million funding boost for agriculture aims to bring more jobs and people to rural Victoria. The new Agriculture Infrastructure and Jobs Fund, established following the successful passing of the Port of Melbourne lease legislation through Parliament last week, will be rolled out during the next four years for eligible applicants. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, along with Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford and Victorian Farmers Federation president Peter Tuohey, made the announcement on Sunday, with the fund aiming to boost productivity, increase exports and reduce costs so farmers, businesses and industries can stay competitive. Among those favourable applicants will include farm businesses, industry and agribusiness organisations, asset owners such as water authorities and local government. The fund will help drive jobs, opportunity and economic growth for our food, fibre and agricultural industries, Mr Andrews said. We need to help our farmers and the challenges they face, may it be with education or biosecurity. They are a big part of our future. Ms Pulford said the fund would particularly be important for dairy farmers, improving their productivity. We want to get the best possible benefit for our farmers, she said. We hope to make an announcement soon about upgrading the Murray Basin Rail, which would help move fresh produce more quickly to port. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the fund would give regional and farming communities the right infrastructure to capitalise on new opportunities to grow and remain competitive. This new fund will invest in critical infrastructure, providing concrete benefits to the many thousands of hardworking farmers in north-east Victoria that depend on this important sector, Ms Symes said. State Member for Shepparton Suzanna Sheed had previously called on the Coalition, the Greens and crossbenchers to oppose the Port of Melbourne privatisation unless some of the proceeds were directed to regional infrastructure. She said the announcement was recognition of the importance of regional Victoria, but more detail was needed. I havent seen the legislative detail yet, but Im pleased to see the government is moving in the right direction and that the regions are being recognised as great contributors to the port, Ms Sheed said. I certainly hope to see some of this money come our way. Mr Tuohey said if the Port of Melbourne was to be sold, the money needed to go back into rural Victoria. The VFF has a strong belief that the lease of the Port of Melbourne should return a benefit to Victorian agriculture; this announcement of a fund is a substantial and needed investment in the development of our agricultural sector, he said