Glenburn fire station officially open, Yea Chronicle, Yea VIC

GLENBURN Fire Brigade officially moved into its new fire station on Saturday, November 21 when Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes unveiled a plaque, congratulated the brigade on its service to the community and welcomed it to the new station. Ms Symes was joined by Glenburn Captain David Webb Ware to unveil the plaque. She said the $595,700 station featured more space for storing equipment as well as improved meeting and training facilities. The Glenbum Brigade has a proud history with strong links to the community it serves and I am proud to join members today in officially opening their station, Ms Symes said. Members do an incredible job in challenging circumstances and this new station will support them in responding quickly and effectively to incidents. CFA Board member James Holyman presented service awards to 42 members. The awards varied from five year certificates to 65 year medals recognising a total of 915 years service to the Glenburn, Victorian and Australian communities. Five year recipients were Dean Bree, Robyn Brown, Sarah Brown, Jason Bullen, James Caminiti, Anthony Goeman, James Johnson, Jenny Johnson, Rod Lintott, Angie Ryan and Paul Wainscott. 10 year recipients were Gordon Brown, Richard Cudmore, Sarah Fullerton, Belinda Glasscock, Ian Glasscock, Terry Mason, Heather Staggard, Reg Staggard, Peter Williams and Rick Zipsin. 15 year recipients were Max Barnes, Kathie Brown, Philip James, Beverley McArthur and Doug McArthur. 20 year recipients were Paul Hilderbrand, Beverley Veale and Graeme Wagner, while Jan Joyce was a 30 year recipient. 35 year recipients were Lester Jeffrey, Trevor Toulson and David Webb Ware, 45 year recipients were Les Hall and Russell Muller, and 50 year recipient was Brian Muller. 55 year recipients were Ray Jeffrey, David Joyce, Donald Main and Bill Wall, and 65 year recipients were Douglas Lawson and Kenneth Webb Ware. Mr Holyman said the brigade members carried out roles beyond fire, including motor vehicle collisions, floods and search and rescue. Captain Webb Ware thanked the community for its support in getting the new station and its ongoing support to the brigade. He mentioned the importance of private equipment in supporting the brigade and congratulated those farmers who invested in equipment and training to create a powerful first attack capability which often resulted in fires being quickly extinguished. He finished by congratulating the brigade members for their commitment to the many roles carried out by the brigade and their outstanding service to the community.