Government provides library funds boost, Loddon Times

LIBRARIES across Victoria will benefit from a $40.51 million boost in 2015/16. The State Government will provide funding to support ongoing library services for councils, regional libraries and Vision Australia through the Public Libraries Funding Program. $5.4 million in funding would support The Living Libraries Infrastructure Program and Premiers Reading Challenge Book Fun will receive $5.4 million as part of the 2015/16 State Budget. The Living Libraries Program provides assistance to councils and regional library services to refurbish and modernise library buildings and upgrade or replace mobile libraries. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes said the Premiers Reading Challenge encouraged students in to choose from more than 7000 titles, with the fund providing assistance to public libraries to purchase new books from the list. I know how many great programs and services local libraries in my electorate provide local residents, she said. The Premiers Reading Challenge Book Fund promotes a love of reading and encouraging local students to read and engage with a wide variety of books. As a mother of two young children I know the importance that our local libraries provide in allowing our children to explore a vast variety of books.