Government shows them the money

07 Sep 2016 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) by Patrick Evans Seymour College will receive planning money towards designing the completion of the school upgrade that was first conceived almost 10 years ago. Stage two and three of the schools regeneration project have been on the agenda since the first part of the initiative was completed in mid-2013, six years after the concept was thought up. Upper House Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes visited the college on Monday last week to announce that the next phase will include architects designing a learning centre for years 5 and 6, a new technical wing and the reconstruction of the years 9-12 facilities. Ms Symes was also keen to assure that the revamps would be of a contemporary nature, despite the original planning taking place in 2007. While the financial sum is not yet specified, it is great news for Seymour College, which missed out on any funding towards the project during the previous two State Budgets. Principal Gail Hardman was thrilled with the announcement. Its very exciting news, its great for the community and its a really important step towards the future of our school, she said. I think its fantastic that the government is investing in the future and its pleasing that Seymour College and the school council can now see that our vision is achievable. Ms Symes was eager to get students input on what they thought the design should include, handing out showbags and running a competition based around what the students wanted the upgrade to look like. Its good to hear what the students have to say because it is their school, they are great kids and they deserve to see this job finished, she said. Mrs Hardman shared this sentiment. Its important to include student advice in future outcomes because its all about pride in their school from their perspective, she said. The announcement comes about two months after demolition works began on outdated campus facilities. Caption Text: College visit: Year 10 student Daniel Williams with Upper House Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.