Health trial success

05 Sep 2018 Shepparton News, Shepparton VIC (General News) PUBLIC BEDS TO REMAIN OPEN AT EUROA HEALTH FOLLOWING PROGRAM The continuation of a pilot program should mean Euroa residents can access public healthcare on their doorstep, preventing the need to travel to Shepparton for treatment. Up to 100 public hospital admissions will be opened up at Euroa Health in the 2018-19 year via $400 000 to Goulburn Valley Health to continue a partnership ensuring beds and services are available at Euroa. The trial program saw public bed-based hospital services provided at Euroa Health, offering access to acute public hospital care in the community. The partnership saw Euroa inpatients at GV Health transferred to Euroa Health to continue inpatient hospital care, treatment and recovery, according to a Victorian Government statement. Euroa Health chief executive Wayne Sullivan said the funding would enable the facility to treat members of the community within prescribed boundaries in areas where the service had capacity to safely treat patients. It means those that are vulnerable and do not have private health insurance can be treated at Euroa. I think most people know that public transport is an issue for many in our community, which is predominantly an ageing community, Mr Sullivan said. They have family that have to travel to Shepparton . . . there might be instances where a partner may not have a licence, so they cant go and see their partner if theyre in hospital. He said the announced funding marked a positive outcome for the organisation and the community, after the trial period had gone well. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes, who visited Euroa Health this week, said in determining whether the pilot program should be extended it didnt take much convincing after talking to the community and hospital management. Ms Symes said the program would likely benefit patients who just need a bit of overnight observation, as an alternative to needing to take an ambulance to Shepparton. The trial was great, we were pretty happy with that, but were pretty stoked to have it announced as a permanent allocation from the health minister, she said. Having people admitted here is great for locals, it reduces costs, it means you dont have to transport patients between communities and its taking some pressure off GV Health in having to admit patients from Euroa. If youre from Euroa and can be treated in Euroas hospital, you would much prefer that to having to go to Shepparton.