Helping councils build a sustainable future

20 Jan 2016 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) THE State Government is helping councils in North East Victoria move towards a more sustainable future. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) last week announced $75,000 for Benalla Rural City Council, Alpine Shire Council and Wangaratta Rural City Council to undertake a feasibility study of a regional shared landfill site in North East Victoria. Currently Mansfield Shires refuse is taken to Benalla under a shared arrangement for disposal. Part of the Sustainable Business Capacity (SBC) grant program, the funds will go to investigating the best option for current landfill sites, future need and the establishment of a shared landfill site. State-wide, 16 councils will share in $270,700 to develop shared approaches to a range of sustainable initiatives, with funds made available from Victorias Sustainability Fund. Joint-council proposals were invited for initiatives which: provide innovative solutions to procurement or shared services delivery; invest in more socially, economically and environmentally sustainable technologies; support councils to reduce waste; and support innovators in the waste management and recycling industry. The government is helping local councils investigate a better way of dealing with landfill, ensuring a more sustainable future for our community, Ms Symes said. Country Victorians already are proactive in reducing waste and recycling and this funding will allow the councils to look at new ways to further improve sustainability. Residents and councils do a lot of good work reducing waste and this funding will help councils look for new efficiencies and ensure this good work can continue. Copyright Agency licensed copy (