Helping rural kids be maths masters

14 Feb 2018 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) Two preschools in Nagambie will soon have the chance to improve their maths skills through a new early years program to be rolled out by the Victorian Government. Early childhood educators at Nagambie Kindergarten and Nagambie Preschool and Childcare will participate in Lets Count training, where they will learn practical tips and get access to best-practice resources to help them develop childrens maths skills. Lets Count helps early years educators engage families and their children in counting, measuring and identifying patterns. The program also helps parents and carers to introduce maths to children in a fun, simple way that can be incorporated into everyday life. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said Lets Count gives early childhood educators and parents simple and effective ways to make maths more interesting and fun for kids. Thousands of families living in country Victoria will benefit from this vital program that gives our kids the best start in life, she said. Maths is one of the foundations of essential learning and to make it fun . . . is a great step in making kids ready for school. It is great to see the introduction of Lets Count in our local kinders to encourage parents, carers and pre-school educators to help kids see that learning is fun and engaging.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.