KADRRA welcomes bus response

02 May 2017 The Free Press, Kilmore, VIC (General News) KILMORE and District Residents and Rate Payers Association (KADRRA) welcomed a response recently from the Minister for Transport, Jacinta Allan in regards to their concern with inadequate bus services in the region. Following on from their correspondence in February and the North Central Review coverage of the issue in early April, KADRRA were pleased to receive a response from the minister to their letter which highlighted the need to address what they see as the inadequate timetabling and route of the current public bus service. The Minister acknowledged the concerns raised and advised the information provided had been passed to the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) for consideration, who in turn advised public transport planning in Kilmore falls under the Hume region of the Regional Network Development Plan (RNDP). The RDNP seeks to plan for and implement bus service improvements across Hume as demand for service changes increase. DEDJTR has noted your feedback about the need for increased services in Kilmore. With growth in the Kilmore region, DEDJTR will look at revising the bus network, including filling coverage gaps, Ms Allan said. Ms Allan also acknowledged KADRRAs call for a footpath connection between Kilmore East station and the Kilmore township citing this as an issue for Mitchell Shire Council to address. In February 2017, Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, announced a $50,000 feasibility study into a path linking Kilmores commercial precinct to the Kilmore East Railway Station. This feasibility study, which Mitchell Shire Council is contributing $25,000 towards, is close to being finished with findings to be available soon. Once briefed, councillors will then determine the best way forward. Council understands the communitys concern about pedestrian, cycling and commuter connections from Kilmore East Railway Station to the Kilmore township, Mitchell Shire Mayor, Rhonda Sanderson said. Council and the State Government are funding a feasibility study to determine the best way to provide the community with the pedestrian connections they need in this area. The feasibility study will identify route options, concepts, plans and costs which will place council in a strong position to evaluate the best way to create better connections between Kilmore and Kilmore East Railway Station. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.