Kerang Aerodrome Upgrade Officially Opened, Koondrook & Barham Bridge, Barham VIC

Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, officially opened the Kerang Aerodrome upgrade on behalf of the Victorian Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan, on Monday, 21st September. The $776,000 project was funded by Gannawarra Shire Council $150,000 and the Re gional Aviation Fund $626,000. Mayor Neville Goulding said the investment now brings the aerodrome up to modern standards. In its previous state, the aerodrome was limited by substandard infrastructure. In order to operate successfully on behalf of the local community and wider region, we required sig nificant improvement to the accessibility, us ability and safety of the aerodrome. Works to the aero drome included reseal and linemarking of the sealed runway, upgrade of the existing aviation fuel storage, installation of pilot activated airfield lighting control, installation of a generator, widen and level existing runway, re-sheet of gravel runway and design and implement RNAV (GNSS) procedure, allowing flight operations during night or inclement weather.