Little will go long way for library

Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) by Freyja Postlethwaite A MARGINAL increase in State Government funding will go far for the Wangaratta Library, according to councils manager of arts, culture and events Penny Hargrave. The Rural City of Wangaratta will receive $223,349 in state funding, a 1.9 per cent increase from last year, but less than the 2.5 per cent statewide average. Ms Hargrave said the increase in funding was heading in the right direction, as every dollar for council counts. Libraries arent just about books anymore, they are about social inclusion and the connectedness of the community, she said. The increase in funding is little but is still very welcomeit still helps us to continue doing things and to provide services to the community. The library helps people to get together and do things for other people. In the 2016/17 financial year, the library had a membership of 10,740 people and averaged 10,035 visits each month. The funding will allow the library to continue offering various services, including a home library service in which books and audio materials are delivered to 37 clients who are unable to visit the library. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria), who announced the funding, and said it would allow councils and public libraries to continue delivering important services to our community. The State Government understands the importance of libraries to country Victorians and thats why we are continuing to support them with record funding, she said.