Local animal welfare carers receive grants, Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC

JACLYN Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) last week congratulated 23 local wildlife rehabilitators in country Victoria who have received grants totalling $32,542. As part of the Wildlife Rehabilitator Grants Program, a total of $181,000 has been awarded to 130 carers and operators across Victoria, including 94 shelter operators and 36 foster carers. Two recipients within the Mansfield Shire to receive grants were Cathie Raeburn from Jamieson Wildlife Shelter ($2000), and Robert Mitchell from Merton ($1980) I congratulate Northern Victorias wildlife rehabilitators who have been awarded these grants for the invaluable work they do in our communities, Ms Symes said. These grants support country Victorias accredited wildlife carers who put in their own time and money to rescue and rehabilitate sick or injured wildlife and release them back into the wild. Ms Raeburn from Jamieson Wildlife Shelter devotes seven days a week to the care of sick and injured animals, and said: Our shelter is totally self-funded but this grant will help contribute to the ongoing costs of fencing, shelter and feed for the animals. In speaking about the grant, Ms Raeburn reminded people of the phone number to report any injured wildlife, 1300 094535, and added if people see injured wildlife locally, they can also call me on 0412 775027. The grants are part of the Victorian Governments $241,000 Wildlife Rehabilitator Grants Program supporting authorised shelter operators and foster carers who volunteer their time to rehabilitate thousands of sick, injured and orphaned animals for release.