Local brigades get new equipment, North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne

CLONBINANE and Wandong fire brigades will benefit from new equipment thanks to the latest round of Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program (VESEP) grants. Member for Euroa and Deputy Leader of The Nationals Steph Ryan congratulated the brigades on their successful applications. This grant program is important because it ensures the volunteers who give their time to protect the community have modern facilities and equipment, Ms Ryan said. Grants are provided to help brigades purchase operational equipment, trucks or to undertake minor upgrades. The Clonbinane CFA will benefit from a new car and Wandong will use the funding to undertake minor works. Ms Ryan said all the brigades were always quick to pitch in in the fight to protect lives and property. Clonbinane and Wandong are fortunate to have many dedicated volunteers who are committed to keeping our community safe, Ms Ryan said. Volunteers in both brigades worked through the thick of the Black Saturday bushfires, defending both lives and property. With another long fire season expected, we should also remember that the men and women who spend much of their summer turning out on the truck have loved ones at home, waiting for their return, Ms Ryan said. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, announced the outcome of the grants last month. Ms Symes said the VESEP grants would fund operational and safety equipment, such as trucks, tankers, 4WDs, watercraft, trailers and minor facility improvements for volunteer groups. Under the program, the government contributes $2 for every $1 contributed by local volunteer groups.