Mary celebrates her centenary

20 Sep 2016 The Free Press, Kilmore, VIC (General News) WALLANs Mary McIntosh really doesnt know what all the fuss is about. Celebrating 100 years, the humble and lively lady doesnt really believe there is any special secret to her longevity, just an ability to keep active. I just like to keep busy, you just cant sit and do nothing all day, Mary said. The centenarian is still an active member of the community even though she now relies on a wheelchair to get around. She attends bingo at the Wallan Bowls Club every Wednesday night, is a member of the Broadford RSL and keeps herself occupied with knitting and crocheting blankets and toys for childrens hospitals and seniors homes. Born in Sydney in 1916, she has returned recently to Campbelltown with son Don and marvelled at the changes from a time when she caught the steam train with her sister at the age of 17 to work in the city. Marys first marriage produced one son, her second union to Francis McIntosh saw three children born, two boys and a girl, and lasted 44 years until his passing in 2001. She became a nurse during the war and moved to Melbourne where she took up an interest in floristry as a profession and utilised her creative skills. She was also an active community volunteer, working with families and children in times of need. She met Francis at a garage workshop in Ascot Vale where he worked as a mechanic and raised her family while maintaining work and community involvement. She now has eight grandchildren and four great grandchildren, all who helped celebrate her milestone birthday recently. She resided in Airport West before moving to Broadford in 1990, living there for 17 years before she moved to Wallan in 2007. She enjoys the quiet and peaceful life. She is proud of the many acknowledgements her 100th birthday has received. Congratulatory cards from Queen Elizabeth, the Governor General, Peter Cosgrove, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and local federal and state members Rob Mitchell and Jaclyn Symes all take pride of place at home. When asked what she sees as her greatest achievement, she was quick to quip just staying alive I guess! She marvels at the many changes she has seen in her 100 years, making note of continued strife in the Middle East that doesnt change and the marvellous work the RSL association has done for so long. Caption Text: Biggest fans: two of Mary McIntoshs biggest fans are Wallan Bowls Clubs president Geoff Symons and secretary Kerry Page, pictured presenting Mary with a bouquet on her birthday in August. Birthday spoils: best wishes from world dignatories take prode of place in Marys lounge room. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.