MASSIVE BOOST, Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC

Benalla P-12 will receive more than $920 000 from the Victorian Government to be spent on children who are struggling to meet numeracy and literacy skills. Another 16 schools in the Euroa and Ovens electorates received a total of $5.3 million of extra funding, but Benallas grant far exceeds any of the others. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes, who recently toured numerous schools in the region with Education Minister James Merlino, said the funding injection was part of Labors plan to help children learn, give parents confidence and provide the resources that teachers needed. Kids and families in our regions will be the big winners of this investment, with our schools in regional Victoria receiving a doubling of their funding per student, Ms Symes said. A new model for allocating the funding will use parents education levels, the concentration of disadvantage in a school, and parental occupation, to target funds to where they are needed most. Schools will also receive a boost in their annual budget for each student who has not met acceptable learning benchmarks in Year 5 NAPLAN. It will be provided regardless of the students personal background or the level of disadvantage in a school. Benalla P-12 will receive an additional $920 540 in their 2016 budget to help them pay for resources to do what they do best, educate and support Benalla kids and give them every chance, Ms Symes said. Benalla P-12 principal Barbara OBrien said the funds would be targeted to the students who were most in need. Priority areas will focus on improving students achievements in literacy and numeracy by further developing the capacity of teachers to deliver a personalised curriculum from Years Prep to 12. We will focus on providing resources to lift the outcomes for all students to enable every student to reach their full potential. There will also be a focus on supporting students with low literacy and numeracy levels by providing appropriate intervention programs across the college, Ms OBrien said. Peranbin Primary College, which has campuses at Swanpool, Baddaginnie, Violet Town and Strathbogie, and Devenish and Thoona Primary schools all received grants of $5000. This is a fantastic outcome for my former school and schools throughout northern Victoria following the recent tour of schools in the north-east with Education Minister James Merlino, Ms Symes said. Under the plan, every single student in every government school in the state will be better off. The funding is on top of funds already provided for enrolment growth, indexation and the everyday costs of running a school. We have a Labor Government that has the right priorities and recognises the importance of investing in our country schools and communities. I have a great relationship with Benalla P-12 College; I am proud to have been educated there and so happy that this additional funding will make a huge difference to the kids there now. I have committed to continue to work with the school community on their infrastructure needs.