Milawa pursuing micro energy grid

14 Sep 2018 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) A BUSINESS case to establish a micro energy grid in Milawa that powers local businesses will be undertaken after the town was awarded a $100,000 State Government grant yesterday. A microgrid is a small network of electricity users with a local supply of power that can function independently of the electricity grid, delivering energy security, sustainability and cost savings for those in the network. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) announced the funding yesterday which will see the project develop a business case for a micro grid model for Milawa that will comprise solar energy, energy storage and hydrogen fuel cell technology. The $100,000 funding is granted under the third round of the New Energy Jobs Fund, which forms part of the Andrew Labor Governments $200 million Future Industries Fund. Microgrid projects are part of the Andrews Labor Governments plan to drive down energy prices, reduce missions and create more investment and jobs in the renewable energy sector in North East Victoria, Ms Symes said. Milawa and its surrounding region thrives on food, wine, tourism and industry energy security and pricing are crucial considerations for businesses in these sectors and thats why were supporting this Micro Grid business case for Milawa. She said the state is taking action on climate change, and delivering Victorian Renewable Energy Targets of 25 per cent by 2020 and 40 per cent by 2025.