Minister for Education visits Mansfield

26 Oct 2016 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) LAST Wednesday Minister for Education, James Merlino, and Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) visited the Mansfield Secondary College to check in on the governments $3 million refurbishment grant. The funding for the MSC was announced earlier this year, and will see the school have the opportunity to build a new science, maths and general classroom It was fantastic to have the Minister for Education here last week, MSC principal, Tim Hall, said. There is a really strong sense that he is genuinely interested in education and the programs the secondary college is running he asked about our VCAL students, and the Agribusiness program. MSC has already appointed Taylor Oppenheim Architects to design the project, and work is expected to start in mid-2017. A great education starts with great facilities that engage students and encourage them to be creative thinkers thats why were investing a record $1.8 billion to build new schools and upgrade hundreds of existing schools around the state, Mr Merlino said. Mr Hall also took the opportunity to discuss the MSCs future plans, flagging Mr Merlinos attention to the need for additional outside recreation space for students. The visit to the Mansfield Secondary College tied in with an educational tour Mr Merlino and Ms Symes were on, visiting both the Benalla P-12 College and the Upper Yarra Secondary College on the same day. Caption Text: HEADS OF EDUCATION: Last week the Minister for Education, James Merlino, and the member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, visited the Mansfield Secondary College to discuss the schools refurbishing plans. They are pictured with (from left) 2017 vice captains Nathanial Inch and Grace Scales, and 2017 captains Amy Dixon-Reilly and Ferg Paterson, and the 2016 captains Dempsey Parsons and Angus Appleby, with Mayor Paul Sladdin, school principal Tim Hall and Judy Dixon. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.