More tracks for wetlands

22 Mar 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) Winton Wetlands will have another $2.94 million spent on building new bike paths and installing interactive stations on the Wetlands Indigenous Trail, with employment to be created for local Aboriginal people. The Victorian Government hopes its grant will lead to a boost in tourism in Benalla by 45 000 additional annual visitors within five years. The trail will include a 12 km cycling path with four interactive stations that use sound, light and projection to deliver local stories and information. The project will also include large-scale iconic artwork, education and training programs and events. Winton Wetlands chief executive officer Jim Grant was thrilled with the announcement. Were really looking forward to working with the indigenous people in creating something that will be of massive regional significance, Mr Grant said. The cycle tracks are really to make the connection between the places on the site, but the cycle tracks will be interpreted through digital means and through story telling and through evening projections, et cetera. The first thing will be the installation of the bike paths, which will connect the existing bike paths and the ones were working on at the causeway at the moment, right through to the Glenrowan end of the site. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes, who grew up in Benalla, said this investment would provide another reason for visitors to come and stay in Benalla. The Winton Wetlands is a unique and interesting tourism product within Victoria and this project will attract more people to the region, Ms Symes said. This project will promote the wetlands and attract people to spend time exploring the area, as well as give passers-by a reason to pull off the Hume to check it out. The project will be developed in conjunction with the Registered Aboriginal Party, Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation, as well as input from other interested Aboriginal groups, from design to delivery. Caption Text: Above and right: More bike paths will be created at the picturesque Winton Wetlands. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.