Motorcycle sports funds

The road racing and recreational motorcycle sports community were celebrating over the weekend with the announcement of track resurfacing works at one of the states top racing circuits. A Victorian Government funding package of $143 000 was announced for the Broadford motorcycle complex to enable resurfacing of the road race circuit to go ahead as part of Womens Only Ride Day which happened on Saturday. The circuit hosts racing and recreational events all year around, catering to road bikes, super-moto, sidecars and historics, and is a popular choice of venue for car manufacturer promotions and test days. The circuit also provides a facility for new riders wanting to try out motorcycle sports, riders wanting to experience a competition surface, junior motorcycle sports development programs, and of course the Womens Only Ride Days which are designed to encourage female participation both recreationally and competitively. The complex is a key asset for Motorcycling Victoria, however thetrackisshowingwearandtear and the updated circuit surface willbelaidlaterthisyear,andwill ensure Broadford continues to operate as one of the best road circuit facilities in Victoria, Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said. The Womens Only Ride Day is organised by Motorcycling Victoriatoencouragewomentocome and try road racing bikes in a safe and supported environment. Coaches and mentors are also on hand to give participants the assistance they need to develop their skills and confidence on a bike. First time participants not only get to have hands-on experience, they can also get a free threemonth Recreational License if hdt hey want to continue riding. Since the ride days started in 2016 interest has grown and last year the number of licenses issued jumped more than 60 per cent. Ms Symes said the Broadford State Motorcycle Sports Complex is a critical piece of infrastructure for motorcycle sports in Victoria providing a competition circuit and also a location where novice riders can try the sport or hone their skills under expert tuition. Women are excelling at motorcycle sports, and events like this open day at Broadford are the perfect opportunity to experience the thrill of riding, she said.