MP collapses as death debate drags on

18 Nov 2017 Geelong Advertiser, Geelong VIC (General News) A Victorian Labor MP who collapsed at parliament during a marathon debate over controversial assisteddying laws says he is all good. Upper House MPs sat through the night to debate amendments to the proposed laws, with opponents of the Bill aiming to drag out the process for as long as possible. Labors Daniel Mulino, an opponent to the assisted-dying bill, collapsed in his office and paramedics transported him midmorning yesterday. Government whip Jaclyn Symes later told parliament she had a message from Mr Mulino who said he was all good. Debate was adjourned until Tuesday. Premier Daniel Andrews said the lengthy sitting was not an easy process to go through but we need to get this done. It was suggested to the premier it was ridiculous to expect politicians to work for more than 24 hours straight. Most people think politicians could probably work a bit harder, that would be my sense of it, Mr Andrews replied. Despite the extremely long sitting, MPs dealt with just nine of more than 130 clauses and amendments that make up the Bill. Health Minister Jill Hennessy said debate was mired as opponents dragged it out as long as possible to prevent a vote. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.