National Emergency Medals awarded to local CFA members, Mansfield Courier

JACLYN Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) has praised CFA members from North East Victoria for their work during the devastating 2009 bushfires. Ms Symes presented CFA members from across the region with National Emergency Medals (NEM) for their efforts on Black Saturday at a ceremony in Benalla on Sunday, June 21. Volunteers from local brigades including Booroolite, Merton, Woods Point and Swanpool were among the 60 recipients who received their award from Ms Symes. The National Emergency Medal recognises service to others during nationally-significant emergencies, Ms Symes said. The CFA members received the medals which carries a clasp engraved with Vic Fires 09 for their work on, and following, Black Saturday. These medals recognise the extraordinary service by CFA members in supporting and protecting communities on Black Saturday as well as in the days and weeks that followed. The recipients displayed courage and commitment in extremely difficult circumstances. Local recipients included Mike Fischer, John Friday, Philip Newton, Russell Pollard, Mervyn Ross, Terrence Sullivan, Thomas Swan, Angus Syme, Craig Wilson and Terry Tuppurainen from Booroolite; Ronald Hill from Merton; Frances Scott, Jamie Scott, Lisa Scott and Cameron Woods from Woods Point; and David Rush from Swanpool. Caption Text: BOOROOLITE MEDALS: At the awards ceremony in Benalla were (above, from left, back) James Holyman, ACO Garry Cook, Angus Syme, Craig Wilson, Thomas Swan, Terrence Sullivan, Philip Newton, Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) and Stewart Kreltszheim. (Front) John Friday, Mike Fischer, Russell Pollard, Terry Tuppurainen and Mervyn Ross. WOODS POINT MEDALS: Four members from Woods Point received their NEM; (from left, back) James Holyman, ACO Garry Cook, Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) and Stewart Kreltszheim. (Front) Frances Scott, Jamie Scott, Lisa Scott and Cameron Woods. SWANPOOL MEDAL: From Swanpool brigade, David Ruch (centre) was awarded the National Emergency Medal. With him are James Holyman, ACO Garry Cook, Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) and Stewart Kreltszheim. MERTON MEDALLIST: Ronald Hill (centre) of Merton brigade was awarded the NEM; standing with him are (from left): James Holyman, ACO Garry Cook, Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) and Stewart Kreltszheim.