New court to leave lasting legacy

18 Apr 2018 Euroa Gazette, Euroa VIC (General News) by Will Murray EUROAS new netball show court was officially opened on Sunday morning, the culmination of years of work from a small but dedicated team of passionate volunteers. The new court project began years more than three years ago, with project coordinator Kate Petersen identifying the need for a new court to cater for the rapidly growing number of local netballers. Kate, with help from her small team of project workers, was able to turn this vision into a reality over those three yearsthanks to their tireless work, and the incredible support of the community. On what was a drizzly Sunday morning for the opening- which was held on the new court- an emotional Kate Petersen told those who had gathered to celebrate the near-completed project that she was overwhelmed to see the court ready for play after all this time. Im just so excited to see the court. We are so passionate about netball in this town, and seeing the kids play on the court is just fantastic. Numbers have been increasingly rapidly, and this court will be able to provide for that increase. It means we wont have to turn kids away, which is what Ive been all about with this project. Thankyou to the community, thankyou to my committee, and thankyou to my family who have supported me through what has been a huge task that has been years in the making. While the netball court committee say there is still some work to do in order to complete the project, including laying concrete path, turf, installing seating, and construction of new change room facilities, having it ready for the start of both junior and senior netball seasons has been a monumental achievement. Andrew Hill, committee member and President of the Euroa Junior Football Netball Club, praised the work of Kate Petersen in getting the court play-ready. We have five junior and five senior netball teams, he said. Without Kates work, we would not have been able to cater for all our netballers, but thanks to this new court, the future looks bright. To build something like this takes time and vision, and Kate had that vision. I would just like to thank Kate, and Steve Hicks, for the work theyve done. Kate had back surgery and was laid up for three months, but that didnt stop the emails and work going on. Shes been amazing. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes was full of admiration for the work of the committee, and the generosity of the community in fundraising for the court. Euroa is now held up as the example to every other sporting club in the state as to how to go about getting funding for new facilities. This community rolled up its sleeves and now has the best facility in the Goulburn Valley. Raising $63,000 to go with the $100,000 from the State Government, and the $50,000 from the Shire was just an amazing result, so congratulations; this will leave a legacy for many years. Caption Text: KATES DREAM: Kate Petersen (left) has been the driving force behind the new show court project, and was finally able to see junior netballers playing on the court for the first time on Sunday, after more than three years of work. WELL DONE EUROA: Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) was full of praise for the work of the Netball Court committee and the local community for turning the dream of a new court into a reality. PHOTOS: Dale Mann OFFICIALLY OPEN: Mayor Amanda McClaren speaking at the official opening of the new court.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.