New mobile towers. Midland Express

Mount Alexander and Macedon Ranges shires are set to benefit from a major project to construct 109 new mobile towers across regional Victoria announced by the Andrews Labor Government last week. The project includes 38 sites in the Northern Victoria electorate under a $86 million black spot elimination project. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes said the 38 sites in the electorate had been identified for new or upgraded mobile towers to be constructed over the next three years. Up to 12,000 households and businesses across regional Victoria will benefit from huge improvements to mobile coverage under the project which is expected to boost the states regional economy by an estimated $120 million per year, Ms Symes said. Project allocation for the black spots follows a successful joint bid by the State Government and Telstra to the Federal Governments $100 million Mobile Black Spot Programme. The Victorian Government has committed $21 million to the project, working collaboratively with Telstra and the Commonwealth Government to maximise the amount of funding available. Emergency Management Victoria, headed by Commissioner Craig Lapsley, played an important role in developing the joint submission, providing evidence-based and community-driven feedback. The new mobile towers will be built across regional municipalities. Specific locations will be worked out as part of planning approval processes through Local Government. Caption Text: Mount Alexander and Macedon Ranges shires are set to benefit from a major project to construct 109 new mobile towers across regional Victoria.