New skills for older residents, Cobram Courier

Older residents in the Cobram community will have access to more educational tools and training to help them develop digital and online skills with new funding. The $40 000 in funding to the Cobram Community House is part of $160 000 in funding to help Moira Shire residents develop skills to help them conduct financial transactions online, connect with family and friends on social media and keep up to date with online media or research interests. Cobram Community House business co-ordinator Tegan Avery said it was becoming more common for older residents needing to access things online, including forms, payments and information. Weve got so many people coming saying they have to get online to do something, but they dont know how to do it, she said. She encouraged people needing information or training with online skills to approach Cobram Community House. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the funding had been targeted to areas with high-populations of disadvantaged older Victorians who could enjoy better lives through the use of digital technology. In the past 12 months, more than 1500 older Victorians in 40 communities across the state have participated in training funded under the program. Were helping older Victorians make the most of digital technology, so they can access things of interest, conduct financial transactions online and contact family using social media, Ms Symes said. Cobram Community House provides a supportive learning environment for people of all ages and abilities. Ms Symes urged people to make use of the new program to learn how to get online and connect with loved ones. Community-based Learn Local organisations are ideally placed to deliver training that supports older Victorians to make full use of online services and digital technology. Residents wanting to find out more about Learn Local programs can visit or call the TAFE and Training Line on 13 18 23. Caption Text: New skills: Cobram Community House community IT trainer Liz Diamond and acting chairperson Kerry Murray look at the centres equipment for digital and online training.