Passengers return to Station

BY RACHEAL WILLETT Passengers will disembark from a train at the Yarrawonga Railway Station on Anzac Day for the first time in more than 35 years. The Southern Aurora Anzac Centenary tour will arrive at the station on the morning of Anzac Day, Saturday, April 25, as part of a tri-state journey recreating the path of the Anzac troops moving from Victoria to Queensland. It will be the first time a passenger train has scheduled a stop at the station since passenger services ceased in 1979. The luxurious passenger train will arrive in Yarrawonga in the morning and commemorate Anzac Day at the local service in Belmore Street. Plans are afoot for items of musical entertainment, activities and displays to feature at the station with details yet to be confirmed. Passengers will travel by road to Wahgunyah for lunch and then on to other activities before reboarding the train late afternoon. A $700,000 restoration of the historic 1888 Yarrawonga Railway Station is in progress with the end result to be an arts and community space. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the works on the station building were extensive including replacement or restoration of the roof, walls, ceilings and floors. According to a statement from Ms Symes office Vic-Track has committed to making the platform at Yarrawonga Railway Station available to passengers disembarking from the Southern Aurora on Anzac Day. Works to the platform reasphalting, installing decking and a balustrade will be complete, making the platform safe. However, the extent of works required to the interior of the building, means that it may not be completed and therefore not open to the public by April 25. Work has already begun to transform the station building into a cultural and community centre for Yarrawonga, Ms Symes said. The restoration will bring the 120 year old building back to life and make it part of the day-to-day activities of the Yarrawonga community once again. General repairs and painting will also be undertaken and accessible toilets and kitchenette will be installed. A fence will also be installed along the track side of the platform. I want to congratulate the local community who have campaigned hard to save the Yarrawonga Station building. The works are expected to be completed by the end of April and the tenants for the new building will be Yarrawonga Mulwala Development Inc. The restoration of the 120 year old Yarrawonga railway station building is part of the Community Use of Vacant Rail Buildings Program, which provides funding to transform disused rail buildings into affordable, usable spaces for local communities. 11 Mar 2015 Yarrawonga Chronicle, Yarrawonga VIC