Pies pitch perfect present

29 Jan 2016 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) WANGARATTA Magpies Cricket Club will be playing on a perfectly rolled cricket pitch in no time, thanks to a $5000 grant from the Victorian Government. The money will go towards the purchase of a new cricket pitch roller and was confirmed by Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) this week. Wangaratta Magpies Cricket Club will be an even better place to learn the game and forge a career following the purchase of the new roller-a vital piece of cricket equipment for any club, Ms Symes said. With investments like these, a future star of the international arena just might be a product of the Wangaratta Magpies Cricket Club. Ms Symes said Victorians just love their cricket, with more than 320,000 Victorians playing the sport. Our country clubs work really hard to ensure hundreds of Victorians enjoy our national summer pastime each week and thats why the Labor Government is helping clubs, like the Magpies, do what they do best, she said. The Magpies were one of 61 clubs across Victoria sharing in $153,000 funding as part of the Community Cricket Program: On Common Ground. The $12.4 million program is creating renewed opportunities for all Victorians to pick up a bat or ball and enjoy Australias national summer pastime. The State Government is partnering with Cricket Victoria and Cricket Australia to deliver the grants. Copyright Agency licensed copy (www.copyright.com.au)