Pollies hit the road

We asked local politicians and candidates for their opinion on the state of the roads in their electorates. These are their answers on Wallans Watson Street interchange Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes The Walson Street Interchange has been a priority of mine since Ive been in government, which is why I have secured planning money to progress the project and this work is still ongoing. I have advocated for this project with the Federal Government and VicRoads and I am pleased to say that under a Labor government it is progressing. The proposed quarry is inside the land that is earmarked for the future Beveridge intermodal freight terminal. This matter that may be subject to further legal proceedings and if it progresses there are many many approvals and considerations before it goes ahead. Regardless of the quarry, the Watson Street interchange is a must do project for locals residents of Wallan and those accessing the Northern Highway. I see almost dally how needed this project is its a risk to safely and I know Its frustrating during the peak period which is why I want to see it completed sooner rather than later. If re-elected I will continue working hard to get shovels In the ground for this vital project.