Raring to glide

06 Jan 2016 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) by JESSICA BALL Australias best gliders will meet their international rivals when they take to Benallas skies for the 54th Australian Multiclass Nationals during the next two weeks. Hosted by the Gliding Club of Victoria the event, also known as the Pre-Worlds, was officially opened by Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes on Monday. However, poor weather conditions grounded Mondays practice day and while the formal competition was set to begin yesterday Gliding Club of Victoria President John Switala said they hoped to get underway today. The weather has defeated us, theres a huge low-pressure trough bringing in a whole lot of cloud that stops the sun, that stops the heating, that stops the thermals, Switala said. Gliders in the 15 m, 18 m and Open classes will contest 11 racing days throughout the fortnight with the scores from each day going towards the final results. In a field of 81 including 29 international competitors Switala said it was an important event in determining the six Australians who would represent the host country at the 2017 FAI World Gliding Championships, which will be held in Benalla. Our largest nationals event that weve had here in the previous few years was 65, so 81 is significantly larger and thats shown with the international interest, he said. Continued on page 19 Top-class pilots converge on Benalla GLIDING Continued from page 20 For the Australians that are in contention this competition carries 60 per cent of their selection criteria, so theyd be very keen to win here, Switala said. All these international pilots arent here because theyre slow, they are top-class pilots and because of the selections for the Worlds next year the Australian pilots are going to be trying very hard, so theres going to be some tough and some very close racing. While international pilots cannot take out the top honours, Switala said it was crucial preparation ahead of next years event. They are here to get the lay of the land, understand how it works out here, to visually have a look and fly in the conditions, so they can prepare well. Reigning Womans World Champion Anne Ducarouge and Laurent Aboulin, the 2012 Open Class World Champion and 2001 Standard Class World Champion are among the seven-person French team ready to test out the Australian conditions. Two-time 15 m World Champion and French Team Manager Eric Napoleon said attending the pre-worlds was all about getting experience in the Benalla skies. We are here because we have not flown here and we need to learn the area, Napoleon said. We have a lot to prepare. The Hungarian teams four pilots will compete in the 18 m class in a ASG 29 imported specifically for the event. Pilot Richard Basa said while the event was just a stepping stone to next year, they hoped to be competitive. We are preparing ourselves for next years World Championships, so all of the guys are trying to get some experience here, Basa said. Its nearly the same, we are flying on a flat line also, but if we go to the mountains, Im not sure if the competition will go to the mountains that will be different and the cloud base should be higher as we expect. We hope we can go into the top of the list. The 54th Australian Multiclass Nationals runs until Friday, January 15. Caption Text: Hungry for success: The Hungarian team Peter Szabo, Peter Harstalvi, team captain Gabor Gangl, Zoltan Verbelyi and Richard Basa will compete in the 54th Australian Multiclass Nationals. Family affair: The French team and its support crew will take to the skies as part of its preparation for the 2017 FAI World Gliding Championship. Action-packed: The Benalla Airport is a hive of activity ahead of the 54th Australian Multiclass Nationals. Copyright Agency licensed copy (www.copyright.com.au)