Record year for GAP program, North Central Review (Kilmore)

THERE are no grey areas when it comes to greyhounds making great pets with the Victorian Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) significantly breaking its annual record. The Minister for Racing, Martin Pakula, and member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, visited the GAP facility in Seymour to announce the program had achieved a record-breaking number of adoptions. In the 2014/15 financial year, a total of 847 greyhound adoptions were processed. A 58 per cent increase over the previous year. Minister Pakula and Ms Symes took the opportunity to walk through the facility, which recently underwent a $1 million upgrade. Getting to know the puppies on a first name basis, Minister Pakula said that the years record number of adoptions is a testament to the wonderful nature of greyhounds as pets. GRV and GAP should be congratulated on their work and I look forward to many more of these great dogs finding homes, he said. Playing with the pups, its easy to see why these lazy, loving and docile natured greyhounds have become one of the most loved pet options in Victoria. Having grown up with greyhounds all my life I can attest to how wonderful they are as family pets. The GAP program is a wonderful initiative and a lovely way for greyhounds to start the second phase of their journey, Ms Symes said. Caption Text: MPs best friend: Member for northern Victoria, Jacklyn Symes, and Minister for Racing, Martin Pakula, make some new friends at Seymours greyhound adoption facility. These greyhound pups are not up for adoption but some equally attentive older dogs are.