Recreational clubs to benefit from shade grants

19 Apr 2017 Swan Hill Guardian, Swan Hill VIC (General News) by Peter Bannan THE Sea Lake Nandaly Tigers Football Netball Club and Swan Hill Pony Club have received funding for shade protection from the state government. The clubs joined more than 40 community groups in northern Victoria to share in $60,000 under the Community Shade Grants Program. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, said the government was supporting people in country areas to be sun smart to prevent skin cancer, while also embracing the outdoors and enjoying a more active and healthy lifestyle. Swan Hill Pony Club secretary Corina Farrar said the $689 portable gazebo would be used to shade judges and spectators. We have rallies throughout the year and if its hot we can set them up for parents to watch their children, Ms Farrar said. We dont have space to plant trees down the middle of the track, so we needed something s to take the sting off. We also go down to the lake so d we can take them down there as n well. Ms Farrar said the club had benefited from similar govern ment grants in the three years since she joined as secretary. A travellers grant has been used to pay for instructors to , come to us because its an expen- sive exercise for our riding mem bers to travel to them, she said. o The Community Shade Grant Program provides grants for shade development, including y building new shade, repairing ex isting shade, purchasing portable y shade or creating natural shade by planting trees. The Sea Lake Nandaly Tigers Football Netball Club received t $2200. t The Murrabit Special Projects Committee will also benefit from the grant after it received t $20,000. Caption Text: A permanent shade structure will be built over a playground at Murrabit after the local community received a $20,000 government grant. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.