Refurbishments revealed at Avenel meeting place

21 Feb 2018 Euroa Gazette, Euroa VIC (General News) by Will Murray AVENELS upgraded historic hall officially opened last week, revealing the results of a $400,000 investment in the community asset. The State Government contributed $300,000 to the project, with the Strathbogie Shire Council putting up the remaining $100,000. The modernising of the 100year- old hall began in mid-2017, and has increased the overall size of the building by around 25 per cent. The upgrade and extension includes three new meetings rooms, kitchen, renewal of main toilets, installation of a storm water reuse system and structural improvements to the existing building. Council also separately funded the indent of the footpath and carpark sealing out the front of the hall, completed in 2017, including angled parking spaces and disabled parking. At the opening of the Avenel Hall, Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria), said the improvements would ensure the important public building would continue to fulfill its role as a meeting place, learning centre and function room for the people of Avenel and surrounds for many years to come. The hall has been an important community hub for the residents of Avenel since 1907 when it was first constructed, however, ageing infrastructure and a growing population meant it was due for an upgrade and Labor has delivered, Ms Symes said. Avenel Hall has a rich history, its a place that has kept the community connected and strong for over one hundred years and this upgrade ensures it provides for the community for decades to come. The Avenel Hall upgrade has resulted in a community facility that meets the current and future needs of Avenel, a small but steadily growing town, and the surrounding districts which it services. Hughes Creek Ward Councillor Malcolm Little said he welcomed the investment in Avenel from the Victorian Governments Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund, which would help drive economic growth and strengthen the Avenel community. The combined efforts of State Government, Strathbogie Shire Council, the Avenel Hall Committee and the community have led to a very successful outcome for the town and the region, councillor Little said. Development of key infrastructure is vital to strengthening and growing our communities and enhancing the regional living experience. Caption Text: HISTORIC HALL UPGRADED: (left to right) Hughes Creek Ward Councillor Malcolm Little, State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes, President of the Avenel Hall Committee Ken Sloper, Strathbogie Shire Mayor Amanda McClaren and Avenel Hall Committee member Frank Dawson opened the newly renovated Avenel Hall.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.