Renewed funding for emergency management, Shepparton News, Shepparton VIC

Victorian councils will have greater certainty around planning for long-term welfare and resilience of their communities with renewed funding for emergency management according to the Municipal Association of Victoria. The Victorian Government has committed $4.56 million to the Municipal Emergency Resourcing Program for councils in the 64 Country Fire Authority areas for 2016-17. The program was due to conclude on June 30, 2016. Greater Shepparton and Moira Shire, who use the funding for joint emergency management, will receive $120 000 as will Mansfield-Strathbogie. The Campaspe and Mitchell Shires will each receive $60 000. MAV president, Cr Bill McArthur said the funding would help councils support the most vulnerable members of their communities in times of emergency. We have strongly advocated for the ongoing funding of this vital program and are pleased the government is committed to improving the capacity of councils to plan for the emergency management needs of their communities, he said. The MERP program is currently undergoing an evaluation which will also determine the model for longer term funding. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said councils were a key partner in emergency planning and management. With a wealth of local knowledge and strong links to their communities, this funding will support local councils in my electorate to continue their integral role in managing emergency situations, she said.