Safety plan to make airwaves, McIvor Times, Heathcote VIC

A PLAN to develop a radio campaign highlighting the importance of locking cars and a skate park youth engagement program have both won funding from the Victorian Governments Community Safety Fund. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said Mitchell Community Radio and Mitchell Shire Council had been successful in obtaining funding for their projects. The fund aims to support projects to make physical safety improvements such as alarms, while others are about engaging young people at risk of involvement in the criminal justice system and helping them make the right life decisions. Mitchell Community Radio will develop a radio campaign highlighting the importance of locking cars, aiming to address a significant increase in car theft and theft from motor vehicles in the Mitchell Shire area. Mitchell Shire Council will establish a skate park youth engagement program across the Seymour, Wallan and Broadford skate parks to reduce risk factors relating to crime and anti-social behaviour. The Victorian Governments Community Safety Fund is part of a $5.8 million investment in community crime prevention, aimed at tackling crime and its root causes.