Shade grants help local schools in time for summer

22 Nov 2017 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) AS we head into summer, more Northern Victoria students will be protected from the dangers of ultraviolet (UV) radiation with extra shade to prevent deadly skin cancers. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) recently announced nearly $250,000 in funding through the School Shade Grants Program. The $1.4 million program provides grants to schools to build new shade, repair or replace existing shade structures, or create natural shade by planting trees. Eildon Primary School has already been awarded $17,820 to repair existing shade as part of the program. I am very pleased that Northern Victoria schools have again been successful in the latest round of shade grants, Ms Symes said. More shaded areas at our local schools are a simple way to protect our kids from the harmful effects of UV radiation and prevent skin cancer. Skin cancer is a major health issue for Australians, yet its mostly preventable. Schools play a critical role in helping kids learn how to be sun smart from an early age. In these warmer months, were all looking forward to spending more time outdoors, but I urge everyone to be sun smart, it could save your life. Skin cancer is a largely preventable disease, however, there are an estimated 40,000 new cases diagnosed each year in Victoria alone. In Victoria in 2015, 2712 new cases of melanoma were diagnosed and 379 people died from the disease. Shade can help reduce overall exposure to UV radiation by up to 75 per cent when used alongside other sun protection strategies such as sunscreen, hats, sunglasses and protective clothing. The State Government has set an ambitious target of saving 10,000 lives from cancer in the next 10 years. Together, the School Shade Grants Program and Community Shade Grants Program have awarded 761 grants totalling $8.2 million. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.