Shooting goals football and netball

30 Jan 2018 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) THE Country Football and Netball Program is providing footy and netball clubs in the district with another chance to secure funding to upgrade grounds, courts and pavilions, and welcome more members than ever before. Upper House Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, has urged local governments and clubs in the area to apply for grants of up to $100,000. The program is providing better access to the modern, safe and inclusive sport facilities they deserve. Ms Symes said the program could replace or upgrade ageing grounds and facilities for football and netball clubs so they can meet growing demand. Grants will go to projects such as ground resurfacing, new lighting, building more modern and safer netball courts and new pavilions with female-friendly change rooms. The program has already helped deliver hundreds of thousands of dollars in new facilities for local sporting clubs. Footy and netball clubs are the heart and soul of our country towns and this program is giving them the facilities they need to grow and attract more members than ever before, Ms Symes said. Country Victoria is home to some of our top football and netball leagues, and these clubs have bred some our nations greatest champions. I urge clubs to speak to their local councils about applying for this funding. The program first started in 2005, and has since delivered $26.6 million to support more than 480 projects. Better sport and recreation facilities make it easier for all players, coaches, umpires and supporters of all abilities to get involved in local sport, whilst encouraging everyone to join in the fun and lead healthy and active lifestyles. Applications for the Country Football and Netball Program are now open and close on April 12, 2018. For more information or to apply online, visit by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.